+91-92444 19554, 99946 24232
The Australian Family migration stream intends to reunite immediate and extended family members with their eligible Australian relatives.
Family Spouse Visa
A Family Spouse Visa allows a married partner (opposite or same-sex) to join his/her spouse in Australia. The sponsor should be Australian citizen or permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens. This temporary visa is issues for 2 years, after which, the relationship is re-examined. If it is considered as genuine then the applicant is issued a permanent visa. Upon approval, the applicant is permitted to live, study and work in Australia.
Prospective Marriage Visa
Applying for an Australian Prospective Marriage visa allows applicant to visit Australia to marry their fiance(e), Australian citizens, permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens.
This is a temporary visa, valid for 9 months. Visa holders should intend to marry their fiance(e) within 9 months. Post marriage, applicant can apply for an Australian Spouse visa if they wish to remain in Australia permanently with their spouse.
Aged Parent Visa
An Aged Parent visa permits retirement aged parents to join their children living in Australia, permanently. The applicant should have been living in Australia on a valid temporary visa. The sponsor (read children) should be eligible Australian or New Zealand residents settled in Australia. Male applicants should be at least 65 years of age, while female applicants should be at least 63 years of age. Once approved, they are allowed to live, study and work in Australia,
Parent Visa
A very popular migrant visa, Parent Visa enables parent to join their children in Australia permanently. The child should be eligible sponsor for the parents. However, it is important that applicants should have at least half of their children living legally and permanently in Australia. Upon approval, the applicant is entitled to live, study and work in Australia, permanently
Married or genuine partners of Australian citizens or permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens* are eligible to apply for Australian Spouse visa. The applicants can be partners of either same opposite or same-sex. This visa is issued on a temporary basis, for a period of 2 years, after which, the relationship is reexamined. If it is considered as genuine then the applicant is issued a permanent visa. Applicants living in Australia or outside the country can apply for this visa.
Australian Spouse Visa Basic Requirements
In order to be eligible for Spouse Visa, applicants should have sponsoring partners of at least 18 years of age. Partners should be either Australian citizen or permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizens. Essentially, applicants and their partners should be either legally married (as per Australian law) to in a de facto relationship. In case of De facto relationship, partners can be opposite and same-sex couples.
They should have been in the relationship for at least 12 months and should be able to express genuine commitment to their partner.
If applicants fall under the category of Onshore Spouse, then they are required to hold a legitimate visa and be in Australia while the visa is being issued. However, if applicants come under the Offshore Spouse visa category, they have to be outside Australia, at the time visa is being issued. Applicants should additionally satisfy health and character requirements.
Australian Spouse Visa Entitlements
A valid Australian Spouse visa is processed through two stages. First stage is when the visa is issued after all the mandatory verifications for a period of 2 years. The second stage is when the relationship of applicants and sponsors is reassessed after 2 years and deemed genuine. After this, a permanent spouse visa is issued. Applicant and their partners should be in continual relationship during this period.Once approved, the permanent visa holders become permanent residents of Australia, who are then permitted to live, study and work in Australia. They are also eligible to avail the additional benefits that include access to government-subsidized healthcare (Medicare), certain social security benefits and the opportunity to apply for Australian citizenship.
Married or genuine partners of Australian citizens or permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens* are eligible to apply for Australian Spouse visa. The applicants can be partners of either same opposite or same-sex. This visa is issued on a temporary basis, for a period of 2 years, after which, the relationship is reexamined. If it is considered as genuine then the applicant is issued a permanent visa. Applicants living in Australia or outside the country can apply for this visa.
Australian Prospective Marriage Visa Basic Requirements
In order to be eligible for Prospective Marriage Visa, applicants should have sponsoring partners of at least 18 years of age. Partners or fiance(e)s should be either Australian citizen or permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizens. Applicants should be able to produce evidence of have physically met their fiance(e)s and have personally knowing them.
They should demonstrate the fact that applicants and sponsors are engaged and intend to get married within the visa validity period. They should be willing to live in a genuine spousal relationship. However, in case of offshore category, a Prospective Marriage visa should be applied for, and applicants are required to be outside of Australia at the time that the visa is granted. Applicants should additionally satisfy health and character requirements.
Australian Prospective Marriage Visa Entitlements
Once approved, the visa holders are allowed to live, study and work in Australia and travel across the region for a period of 9 months. They are eligible to apply for a Spouse visa in Australia post their marriage to their fiance(e)s.
The Parent visa is one of the popular migrant visas. It allows parent to join their children in Australia permanently. The child should be eligible sponsor for the parents. The Australian government restricts the number of available Parent visas each year. Consequently, if applicants meet core criteria, they can acquire position in the global queue. Owing to the popularity of this program, applicants are facing substantial delay before the visa being issued. However, 4000 Parent places visas have recently been added in the Family Migration stream.
Another option is to apply for Contributory Parent visa, wherein a larger application fee is demanded and an Assurance of Support bond. The waiting period for this option is lesser as compared to the Parent visa.
Australian Parent Visa Basic Requirements
To be eligible for Parent visa, applicants should be able to clear the balance of family test. The parents (applicants, here) should be sponsored by their child who must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen*. Applicants should also satisfy health and character requirements. It is important that the visa has been applied from outside Australia.
Balance of Family Test: This test is applicable for applicants applying for Parent visa. As per the rules, applicants should satisfy either of these conditions:
They should have at least half of their children living legally and permanently in Australia
They should have more children living legally and permanently in Australia than in any one single country overseas.
Australian Parent Visa Entitlements
The Australian Parent visa holders are entitled to enjoy permanent residence of Australia. Just as permanent residents, holders of this visa are permitted to live, study and work in Australia, permanently. Once permanent residence is granted, a visa label is placed on applicants’ passport as proof of permanent residence status. They can also avail the advantages that give access to certain social security benefits, government-subsidized healthcare (Medicare), and the opportunity to apply for Australian citizenship.
However, Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa holders are entitled for a 2 year residence visa. During this period, they can avail government-subsidized healthcare (Medicare), work and study rights.
Australian Aged Parent Visa The Australian Aged Parent visa allows aged parents to live in Australia, permanently with their children. The applicants should have been living in Australia on a valid temporary visa. Their children (sponsor, here) should be eligible Australian or New Zealand residents settled in Australia. Although, government limits the number of visas granted each year, recently, 4000 Parent places visas have been added in the Family Migration stream. Another option is to apply for Contributory Aged Parent visa, wherein, a larger application fee is demanded and an Assurance of Support bond as well. The waiting period for this option is lesser as compared to the Parent visa.
Australian Aged Parent Visa Basic Requirements
To be eligible for Aged Parent visa, applicants should be able to clear the balance of family test. They should be sponsored by their child who must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen*. Applicants should also satisfy health and character requirements. It is important that the visa has been applied from outside Australia. Applicants should also satisfy health and character requirements.
Applicants should essentially meet the specified age requirements i.e. old enough to receive pension in Australia. Male applicants should be at least 65 years of age, while female applicants should be at least 63 years of age. This visa is generally applied onshore and applicants should be in Australia, while the visa is being issued.
Balance of Family Test: This test is applicable for applicants applying for Parent visa. As per the rules, applicants should satisfy either of these conditions:
They should have at least half of their children living legally and permanently in Australia
They should have more children living legally and permanently in Australia than in any one single country overseas.
Australian Aged Parent Visa Entitlements
The Australian Aged Parent visa holders are entitled to enjoy permanent residence of Australia. Just as permanent residents, holders of this visa are permitted to live, study and work in Australia, permanently. They can also avail the advantages that give access to certain social security benefits, government-subsidized healthcare (Medicare), and the opportunity to apply for Australian citizenship.
However, Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa holders are entitled for a 2 year residence visa. During this period, they can avail government-subsidized healthcare (Medicare), work and study rights.
*Eligible New Zealand citizens are those who are allowed to enter and/or remain in Australia.
Australia Visas
Contact Info
No.12, Sri Senthil Andavar complex, Rimtec Nagar, Thondamuthur road, Vadavalli, Coimbatore - 641046. Tamilnadu, India.
+91-92444 19554, 99946 24232
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